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Effective Goal Setting Strategy

Natalie Young

Updated: Aug 3, 2022

With a new year right around the corner, we get how it can feel overwhelming trying to come up with new goals and decide what to focus your time and energy on etc., We wanted to provide you with a FREE resource that will guide you through effectively and efficiently setting goals for yourself and then putting a plan into action to make sure those goals ARE accomplished in the year ahead! We have broken this template down into 3 main parts: REFLECT, DREAM and PLAN.


This allows you to look back and really think about what you were grateful for this past year, what worked well, what didn't work so well etc., It also asks you to prioritize what you value most in life, listing the top 5 things.

And then we want you to create a mission statement for yourself/your family using those values. An example of a mission statement is:

In our family, we will show respect to all, be thankful daily, and make effort to always think positively. We will give of ourselves and prioritize our health while seeking adventure. We want to strive to have a home that is inviting to all and we will support each other always.

Click HERE to grab the guide!

Once you have your mission statement written, print it off and keep it somewhere where you can view it often! It will help to remind you of the things you desire to prioritize as a family and will guide your goal planning in the future as well.


This is our favourite part! Dreaming up what we want our life to look like this year, in 5 years, in 20 years. Your dreams should be a reflection of the mission statement you created in the first section, the things you value most in life, the things you want to focus on getting better at and doing more of. Dream, dream dream! And then get those dreams written down on paper because they are so important to the LAST and most IMPORTANT part of our goal setting strategy!


It's easy to dream up big things but the challenging part is turning those dreams into realities. You've been there right?! Where you just write down big goals, with no specific plan to really achieve them, get discouraged because you're getting no where and then give up?!?! We've been there too. Too many times. But the good news is that it IS possible to succeed if you take the right action steps. You need to plan daily ATTAINABLE steps to make those dreams happen. Little steps each day lead to BIG results.

So we truly hope that this guide will help you as you sit down to think about who you want to be and the things you want to accomplish in the year ahead. Have fun planning!!!


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